RHEL on GovCloud

You guys. You can now run Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Amazon’s GovCloud.

I’ll be honest: this took a while. I had a lot more hair when we started this process. But it’s done!

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A lot of you are already running RHEL in Amazon’s EC2, which is great. If you’re already using RHEL in your data center, it just makes sense to use it in a cloud, too. Mixing Linux distributions can be expensive.

Using RHEL on-premise and in a cloud ensures that all your security tools will work, like they always did. Your third-party applications will work, like they always did. That crazy lockdown script that does your STIG will work, just like it always did1. FIPS 140-2-certified encryption, 15 Common Criteria certifications, and a handy IAVA-to-CVE mapping, not to mention the peerless support: it’s all there.

That’s why we’re the most popular commercial Linux: we bring a layer of standardization that stretches across different hardware, different hypervisors, and different clouds.

Now you can get all that and that snug, warm feeling of safety, knowing that your data will stay in the United States. So go get it.

  1. You should really check out SCAP Security Guide, by the way.